Q: How can academics benefit from open access publishing platforms?

1 Answer to this question

Open access publishing platforms make peer-reviewed scientific literature accessible without the need to pay a subscription fee. This method of dissemination of information that provides unrestricted access amplifies the impact of the research. Choosing to publish your research in an open access journal can benefit you in many ways.  

Increased visibility 

As articles from open access publishing platforms are freely available online to anyone, they benefit from a wide visibility. Open access also encourages an extensive public engagement, which can put you, the researcher, on the forefront.  

Increased collaborations 

The spotlight cast on you due to the wide public knowledge about your research establishes you as an expert in the field. This can lead to other research groups to reach out to you and build collaborations. 

Increased citations 

The greater visibility of your articles in open access journals culminates into greater citation of the work. Several publishing platforms have observed that articles from open access journals receive significantly higher citations and downloads than articles not published in open access journals. This can lead to an increase in the impact of your research. 

Career advancement 

In addition to your work having a higher impact, getting cited also increases the impact factor of a journal, which in turn can increase your h-index, an important parameter for evaluating your research productivity. A higher h-index can boost your career success by helping you acquire promotions and tenured positions. 

Comply with funding bodies 

Several funding bodies these days mandate researchers to publish their work in open access journals. Thus, choosing to publish your research in open access publishing platforms can help you comply with these requirements. 


Publishing your research in open access journals can have several benefits. These include increased visibility leading to fostering collaborations all over the world, a positive impact on citation rates and potentially career advancement.